Played with, in the 1960s Sons of Fred who had some singles out on EMI. Went on TV few times. Got in the Radio London charts sometime. Sam Gopal Dream with Sam Gopal on tabla drums and Pete Sears on bass. We played at most of the big Hippie venues, Jammed with Jimmy Hendrix. The only recording that was made of the Sam Gopal Dream with that lineup was the Film that Hendrix rook of us at the Christmas on Earth Continued gig at Olympia. That band blew out its chance of a deal with to many slimming pills at the Speakeasy gig [HA HA !!] Hendrix came for a jam but we were too far gone!!! I played bass with him that night. Next band was VAMP. Viv Prince [of the Pretty Things] Andy Clark [Clark Hutchinson,UP. Clark Hutchinson, Jeff Beck and David Bowie] Mick Hutchinson and Pete Sears [Rod Stewart, Jefferson Starship, Silver Meter, Sons of Fred, Hot Tuna and some more] Clark Hutchinson had 3 albums on Decca. First one A=MH squared got in the underground charts. Everyone in that band seems to have been aflicted with some strange mental disorder, The Records bore little resemblance to what the band actually sounded like and I could never get my playing onto tape properly!!We were a Jam Band [in todays parlance] We played sort of Indian- Jazz -Funk with reggae, blues and total avant garde atonal freakouts!!! There are some BBC sessions that might be a bit more like we really were, than the Albums!! Clark Hutchinson drummer Del Coverly played with Carl Douglas [of Kung Fu Fighting fame] so he can play pretty funky!! Steven Amazing the Clark Hutchinson Bass had player played with the ska band the Skatalites. I played on a Graham Bond and Pete Brown album somtime in the 1970s.
I'm on youtube:
I've got lots and lots of new music for several albums when I get round to putting it out. PEACE Mick Hutchinson
Queste sopra citate sono le parole esatte riportate di pari passo da my space, più esattamente dallo spazio di Mike Hutchinson. Famoso e straordinario chitarrista degli anni Sixties, il quale ha creato giocosamente di recente un progetto parallelo col nome di Hike Mutchinson che io trovo geniale, quanto gioiosamente esilarante, ma dal quale si evince tutta la sua bravura e raffinatezza. Mi ricorda un pò la scherzosità arguta, sagace di Frank Zappa con toni ancora più esasperati, paranoici, autistici e sperimentali che nell'insieme colpiscono per la propria consapevolezza d'intento, quello anche a me più congeniale, di rompere ogni schema agli umani noto e di liberare così il cervello dalle varie gabbie che i terrestri paurosamente costruiscono complicandosi la vita.
Non ho null'altro da aggiungere a riguardo e vi consiglio caldamente di andare a visitare i suoi link.
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